Sunday, March 1, 2009

Linemen Do It Hot

Still in school. So looking foward to spring break ...2 weeks. Passed the climbing evaluation by the hardest and would have failed if not for a very very nice grade by my instructors. The contract instructors did not approve of my vertical skills. Oh well im a vertical retard. No big deal. Thats why they have bucket trucks. The tests keep getting harder and more frequent but hey thats college right? Getting ready to take the cdl driving test which ought to be just effin great considering the POS truck we have to drive. I have discovered that I worry about myself entirly to much and college is full of reatrds who have no clue that in the real world work dont stop when it rains, when deer season is open, If its great weather to fish, or just because we are whiney little bitches and want to go home. Seriously, welcome to life children. Guess thats about it for now. More to follow....


Karen said...

yep. that pretty much sums up most people in college.

You are awsome by the way! Just thought you should know.

Oh yea...I am so glad you are doing this program so that during the next hurricane, they can turn our power on first and then we can leave town like that other dude. :)

Lori said...

That's right A.J.!! Work only stops during football season, right?! Just kidding. So proud of you! Can you come and turn my lights on when we have bad weather too? Can you go state to state like that:)