Monday, December 1, 2008

Wow two in as many days. I seriously dont have a social life. But somthing has been bugging me and I wanna get it out. Why if any of you can tell me do people try to be somthing they are not? One thing I hate is fake people(on a side note for those of you who truly know me you also know that I dislike almost everybody) but i really can not stand fake people. I mean do they think by lying about what or who they are that I think more of them? Just to make an example ...seminary students now a days have an air about them that I havent seen with (for lack of a better way of saying it) folks who do have somthing to brag about. Big deal you have a degree in pastorial ministry. Nobody gives a shit. You are still in a lowly paid profession that comes with a boatload of stress and no job secuirty what so ever. Yet they still love to wear the three peice suits and have the black berry on the belt becuase they are sombody. Well whooptifuckingdo.I could choose to go on about the whole pastors being arrogant asses deal but that is for another blog entirly. But back to what im getting at.. Why try to be somthing your not? Some of the most down to earth folk I have run across and had conversations with are convicted murders. I learned a lot in the time I spent as a corrections officer and if you want to see some one not trying to put on a front talk a walk in a felony pod with 10 or 15 people on murder,rape or kidnapping charges. They have nothing to prove. They also have nothing to lose but that to is a whole different story that I will have to cover at a later time. But anyway this still aint out like I had it in my mind but I cant think of how else to put it.More comin sooner or later...And I still need that beer.


Karen said...

I'm wondering if the reason you don't like most everybody is because most everybody is fake. Additionally, I am totally concerned about the church b/c those seminary students you are talking about are the ones stepping into leadership. Apparently, they are not teaching classes on Proverbs and pride vs. humility in seminary. I'm with ya on this one. It bothers me too.
(anything happen to bring all this on - i.e., did you get the newsletter from our Rev.Cousin?)

Emily :) said...

You know a preacher who can afford a blackberry? Can you hook us up with that church name? Ha! J/K. I don't really understand the whole arrogance thing in the ministry. It has been the most humbling experience of my life. We live below the poverty line, we had a mouse infestation, and I have little old ladies who feel free to comment on my weight, clothing choices, and parenting among other things. Oh well, fake people really don't bother me anymore. I feel sorry for them that they haven't learned to be happy with who they are, y'know? Life is exhausting enough without keeping up a facade. That's what I think!

Lori said...

I'm with Emily. I don't have the energy to be fake and pretend. I know who I am - just an average person who loves her family and wants a simple life and is amazed that God has chosen to bless her so much!! However, on the other hand, having gone to a Christian college with SEVERAL seminary students, I do know what you mean. I always thought it very sad that the most clique-ish group of people I ever was around was that group! I don't think that's pleasing to God and I really don't understand it! So, just more questions from me - no answers. Sorry!