So ive been sitting here staring at a blank screen now for about 15 minutes trying to figure out what I want to write. I dont really have anything. And this is weird because I have always loved to talk. Dont get to do it that much anymore tho for the fact that all my frineds are now married and have children so conversations with them seem to have shifted from normal things to problems with the daycare service or child disipline or and this is my favorite " I swear to God if my ole lady dont quit bitchin ima divorce her ass". To which I always have the responce of "I told you it was a fuck up to get married". See my deal with it is all my biddues seem to have settled and got married because it was the next step your supposed to do in life. You know graduate ,get a job, get married, have kids, grow old and then death. On a side note most of the ones I know reversed the order between marriage and kids which could play a part in the reason they got married. Im 23 and I have no desire to have kids or get married of course I can truly say that even if I did have that dredful wish there is not much of a selection here. They either already have kids and expect you to walk right on in to a ready made family or else they have been married and divorced and are so bitter that it would make a green persimmon seem sweet. So honestly why not enjoy life. I am certian of very little but of the few things I do know I can tell you this. I have no clue what I want to be when I grow up. I am freakishly scared of commitment. And I will not start a family until I am sure that I can provide for them and have a place for them to live and a very comfortable means of support. But yet again I have run out of things to say so ill sign off. And if any of you out there can obilge...I need a cold beer. More to follow
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I rekon I need to update this thing more often. Nothing new around here tho. Thanksgiving is tommorow which means us casuals get to work. Im bout pissed with East Mississippi CC. They keep dickin around with my enrollment stuff and im fast running out of time to get enrolled. Thas pretty much it. I would like to say that I despise cold weather with a passion just in case anybody was wondering.OK this is ending now because im out of random things to say. Peace
Posted by The Chronicles of Tardville at 16:32 2 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Four Walls of Raiford
Well them four walls of Raiford, closing in on me
Doin three to five hard labor, for armed robbery
I had two years behind, but I could not wait the time
Everytime I thought about it, well I died some more inside
And I had stripes on my back, memories that hurt
For the only time I seen sunshine is when I hit the dirt
Diggin ditches for the chain gang, sleepin in the cold
Oh Lord please forgive me for I could not wait no more
And I comin home to see you Jesus
Well it feels so close this time
Please take mercy on this soldier
From the Florida-Georgia line
When they find me they must kill me
Oh Jesus save my soul
I cant go back down to Raiford
I cant take that anymore
Well these last few years behind me
Oh lord, have been so sad
I fought proudly for my country when the times were bad
Now they say Im guilty, when they find me I must die
Only me and Jesus know that I never stole a dime
Well when vietnam was over there was no work here for me
I had a pretty wife awaitin and two kids I had to feed
Well Im one of Americas heroes and when they shoot me down
Wont you fly old glory proudly, put my medals in the ground
And I comin home to see you Jesus
Well it feels so close this time
Please take mercy on this soldier
From the Florida-Georgia line
When they find me they must kill me
Oh Jesus save my soul
I cant go back down to Raiford
I cant take that anymore
Posted by The Chronicles of Tardville at 22:48 1 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Speaking my mind
First and foremost I want the people who read this to understand that I am not going after one single person. This is addressed to everyone who chooses to read anything I write on here which includes a LOT of people from my Myspace account and my Facebook account. Sadly tho,they choose not to comment out right on here and rather wish to send me messages or emails stating what they think. I guess they don't want everyone seeing what they write or some other unknown reason but enough of that as I am rambling. Now getting to the point, Over the past year I have been in several heated debates if you will over myself and my relationship with the Lord. While this blog is in a way about that particular thing in a way it also is not about that and I would like to go ahead and say what I have said to all the others on the matter. It is MY relationship not yours so mind your own business. What seems to spark most of these comments emails and messages sent my way about my relationship with God is my choice of using words that are at times hateful, hurtful, and very vulgar. Yes I do know it is a sin and I do know it does not reflect on me well as a person but I will stand before God one day and answer for it . Therefore it is my concern and I do thank you folks for caring enough to worry about it but again it is between me and the Lord. Now that being said I'm about to vent a little bit and Ive got a feeling its not going to make me any new friends and it might cost me a few of the ones I have but I'm willing to take that chance. Since you folks worry so much about me and my relationship and love to point out that my foul language is not Godly and he is not pleased by it I feel it is my duty to point out some things that you folks do that are also not pleasing to Him. For starters as we have already covered crass wording is one of them but lets look at what crass wording covers. Yes cursing is on the list but so are things that are mean spirited or hateful. Now i know none of you good christian people do anything of the sort. Why you didn't even lose your temper this morning when you were running late for work and three different people cut you off on the freeway. I know you did what God would do and said a prayer for every one of those folks. I also want to point out that what we watch can be considered a sin. Now granted all you Christians can prolly skip this part and turn on TBN because as good saints that's all you watch(unless the Rev. Graham has a special on prime time or Bill Gather is having yet another homecoming show) but this one goes to all the folks who like to watch the dirty shows. You know things like Greys Anatomy or CSI and don't forget Dancing with the Stars. But wait what about the sit coms like 2 and half men or the office? Are these shows not sexually charged in one way or another or they have questionable situations in them. That's a sin folks. As Christians we shouldn't be watching that trash. I'm not even going to touch on the soaps as that is a whole book in it self. Well now your still reading and I'm glad but you say well I don't have road rage I'm always kind in my speech and i don't watch that much TV. Do you listen to the radio at all ? The mainstream music these days is full of garbage. Language,sexual material,and violence. Some of it is almost like watching tv with your eyes shut.But I know all the good Christians out there only listen to the holy stations. Well what about everyday things like eating. Did you know that your body is a temple? It is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Would you throw garbage in your local church? No you wouldn't but lets take a look at what you throw in your personal temple. Have you ever eaten fast food? Or how about something fried. Sweets? Caffeinated drinks ,tea or coffee? All these things are harmful to your body. Its like putting trash in your body. Do you exercise regularly. If you don't that's not good for your body so therefor we conclude its not good for the temple. But wait while we are on your body you drink alcohol? Or what about tobacco usage. That drink or smoke can be deadly. Guess what....Do you give up yet? Its a sin to not take care of your body. Oh but Ive got more...How many of you out there like to shop for days or work the long hours to make that paycheck look better. Did you know that a non christian can look at that from the outside and say you worship those things. Its strange the way folks can shape something to fit the argument for the side they are on. And now the kicker. This one is going to cost me some friends. This is the south and we love our college football ,Oh yes we do. And we take pride in our teams and a friendly banter back and forth with other fans for different teams. But some of the folks out there go a little far don't you think? Emotions get the best of you but its only a game right. So we threatened to kill the other team. We only meant as far as the game was concerned. Or did we. I mean we would never take a game so serious that we actually get so emotional about it that we cry or pout when our team loses. We don't take it so far as to name our children after the coach or that star running back or quarterback. And we sure don't gloat when we do win. We shake hands with the other team and their fans and tell them they played a great game.Or do we. Wait....lets stop and look at it for a second....did we really we couldn't have. Could we? Is a game or a certain team that important to me? Could non Christians really look at how I acted at that game and question my morals or character? Could they say that football is my god? Surely not. Now like I said i know I lost some friends on that but if your are still reading I'm glad because I want you to hear this and know it comes from my heart. I do thank you all for caring enough to be concerned for me. But as I said before that is between me and the Lord. Not you me and the Lord. Be concerned for yourself. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone". You keep that in mind and examine your own life before you start judging mine. More to follow..........
Posted by The Chronicles of Tardville at 21:38 2 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
WE ARE SO FUCKED...Hide the Bibles go stock up on ammo and get ready for a shit storm. All self respecting persons should no longer wish to be considered americans as that is now a communist nation. I am a God fearing southerner. Would post more but have to work tommorow. Millions in this country are about to start sending me the bills for crack,whores,malt liquor,cadillacs,rims and fried chicken.....Such a sad sad day....More to follow (untill my freedom of speech is removed by the antichrist)
Posted by The Chronicles of Tardville at 22:51 1 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
- Since bordom has consumed most of my life I thought I would tell you folks a little about my job.
At left we see the company logos for Roadway and Yellow. The two merged in '05 I belive to form what is now known as YRC Worldwide. According to what I have been told the company went straight to hell shortly after this union.I work for the Roadway part of the company here in Tardville also known as 457.Teamster Local 891.This picture was taken at the Sparks NV terminal. Notice the well constructed warehouse and smooth paved parking lot. Alas this is not the case at 457.
Here is a more accurate picture to describe the conditions at the 457 minus the water frontage. Replace the water with pot hole riddled pavement and make sure to invision at least 3 dump truck loads of trash thrown everywhere. Welcome to Roadway.- At the 457 I work on the dock as what the company likes to refer to as a "Professional Freight Handler". The more appropriate term for this would be dockhand. Not to belittle anyone who does this work but a retarded monkey on crack could do this job. Dont get me wrong I love it but lets not blow our own horns here and make it more complex than it should be. At right you will notice the saftey sign. We have these all over the dock here.
As we see the signs dont seem to help much. While this paticular image was not taken at 457 similar things can,will ,and have happened. We make OSHA proud.
Posted by The Chronicles of Tardville at 21:56 3 comments
First Things First
Ok so im new to this whole thing and i doubt if anybody will read very much of it. This is just a glimpse into my life and the random and somtimes not so random things that happen. Some of it you may find funny and some of it you may not agree with, But its me and if you dont like it I really dont give a shit. I did enable the adult content warning because i do tend to get graphic with the wording at times. If it offends you then allow me to politly invite you to FUCK OFF. See what I mean...just cant be helped somtimes. Anyways I guess thats about it for now so check back....more to follow. Oh yes on a side note I would like to thank H.G. for the title of this blog. Always original haha.
Posted by The Chronicles of Tardville at 01:53 1 comments