Sunday, July 12, 2009

Fuck it...hop in the bucket and haul ass

Still alive...graduated college. Still dont have a job thanks to the economy. Lay offs suck. Considering several options. Going back to school. Looking for a job here. Moving to either TN or AL (provided I can find gainful employment in these places). Driving a truck cross country. Who knows cuz I sure the hell dont. Anyway thas bout it...more to follow sooner or later.

Friday, May 8, 2009


Well it is official..I graduated college.Hoorah. I understand now tho why people refer to it as bitter sweet. Glad but also sad to see it go. Most parts I wont miss but some of it I will. I can honestly say we had two of the coolest teachers ever.Not many "real" professors will tolorate the swearing,tobacco useage,Awful conversation,2 hour lunch breaks,extending deadlines over and over and over again and many more things that they did for us this year and for that...Thanks. Doyle and Ronald,You guys are the best. As for the school yes I did graduate minus the pole climbing....somthing about standing on the side of a 50 ft pole with no safty and only a small nylon strap attaching me to this large stick of wood that simply does not fit with me. On a good note tho I passed everything else and got the CDL+endorsments.Go me. Again tho on a dismal note about a month ago the electrical industry hit a hiring freeze so none of us have jobs.That being said ive been thinking hard of going back to school this fall and getting certified in somthing else. I figure what the hell right,Might as well do it while im young,willing to learn and as long as im in school I dont have to worry about paying back the student loans.But who knows..all thats in the future and for now I think im going to try and enjoy my summer..whatever I end up doing. But this was just a short update to let yall know I did finish and thanks for all the encouragement. I guess this time im going to leave yall with some of the best quotes of the year but be forewarned,Some of these are not for the faint of heart and they do include at times massive amounts of swearing so if you get offended easy you might not want to read em.

Top Quotes of the Year

1.Fuck you Ronald-DZ
2.Dude I swear to God we was high as bat pussy-TM
3.That boy couldnt turn a trailer around in hells half acre-DP
4.Back it up till you hear glass rattle then gimmi three feet to make sure you fucked somthing up-RW
5.F and L Method...Fuck it and Leave-NH
6.What in the sam fuck!-NH
7.Looks like a 9 year old nigger did that shit-TM
8.Dude where the fuck is the boo crew going?
9.Sayin is-RW
10.I dont give a frig-RW
12.Call off the dawgs and piss on the fire-RW
13.Im fucking paintin Doyle...thats why ive been on this goddamn pole for forty fucking minutes..thought Id just climb up here and do some senic paintin-TM
14.Ill be goddamn-NH
15.Nope...No you didnt
17.Dude if I die doing linework im going straight to hell-TM
18.In this type work you dont get die
19.Its not if you die its when you die with this shit right here
20.You short legged duck walking bastard.DP
21.Dude I swear it looked like a hachet wound-TM
22.Bust ya ass
23.I gotta shit
24.Lets go ladies!!! We burnin daylight-DP
25.Get your ass in the air and work that fucker hot like you got a pair-DP
26.Thing is son...its hot as 40 hells down there.-SG
27.Well if I woulda known you was gonna do it forty leven times I would have allowed for it
28.When the lights go out..Linemen get it on
29.Linemen do it hot
30.Get your rubbers on and stick it

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Linemen Do It Hot

Still in school. So looking foward to spring break ...2 weeks. Passed the climbing evaluation by the hardest and would have failed if not for a very very nice grade by my instructors. The contract instructors did not approve of my vertical skills. Oh well im a vertical retard. No big deal. Thats why they have bucket trucks. The tests keep getting harder and more frequent but hey thats college right? Getting ready to take the cdl driving test which ought to be just effin great considering the POS truck we have to drive. I have discovered that I worry about myself entirly to much and college is full of reatrds who have no clue that in the real world work dont stop when it rains, when deer season is open, If its great weather to fish, or just because we are whiney little bitches and want to go home. Seriously, welcome to life children. Guess thats about it for now. More to follow....

Friday, February 6, 2009

When the lights go out... Linemen get it on

Update...still having like 5 tests a day. Making good grades so far. Have cut out 5 times 3 of which resulted in injury. Twice I was over 15 ft in the air. Sucks. Thas it . More to follow

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Didnt come to see the show...Came to put it on.

New is going. I passed the cdl permit test which is a requirment to stay in the program. Yay me. We have an avarage of 7 tests a week which is brutal.For those educated folks who understand college jargen...Im taking 22 college credit hours. Pitty for me haha. I will get some pics on here (but not of me falling off the pole).Make sure you read the saying at the bottom. Stop and think about the men who do this next time your power is off in a thunderstorm,ice storm,hurricane or just when you have a regular outage. These men leave their familys at all hours of the day and night and work in every weather hazzard known to man. All the while we take for granted what they do and bitch about them needing to hurry up. So stop and think about them next time you loose the lights. Mabey one day ill be one of them. More to follow....

We the willing
Led by the unknowing
And doing the impossible
For the ungrateful
We have done so much
With so little
For so long
We are now qualified
To do anything
With nothing


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Year

Well its been a while so i guess i will update you people. Xmas was great and new years was ...well whatever. As far as whats new the weekend after xmas Roadway informed us that as of march 1st we will be let go due to the fact of "company streamlining" so pretty much ima be out of a job after the last weekend in febuary. But on a good note 5 years after i graduated highschool I have decided to go back to college. I have to say its a new experiance for me and I feel so old with all these people who graduated last year. Honestly im in college with people who started kindergarden in 1990. I remeber 1990...rather odd feeling. But as far as school so far im enjoying it. In case your wondering im not in a basics deal. I opted to go for a co op program that the community college offers to train linemen for the power companys.The only problem I can forsee with this choice is the 50-80 foot heights while standing on a 1/4 inch peice of steel held onto my boot by a leather strap and the fact that one mistake and you die. Can i make good career choices or what. Anyway ill update more when i have time. Gotta go study for a test. Yall take care and more to follow....